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Workout, a Tizen Sample App for Monitoring Health Sensors

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The Workout app was created to show how to implement a fully working application that supports running on wearable devices with Tizen.

Workout is written in C# and uses the Xamarin.Forms and Tizen.CircularUI frameworks.



This version of the application allows you to measure the following parameters while running:

  • Running time
  • Distance traveled
  • Heart rate
  • Pace
  • Present effort

In the summary of the training, the application also shows the most common range of effort.

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In a series of blogs publishing this week, we will describe and show how key functionalities of the application are implemented, such as:

  • Distance traveled
  • Heart rate (intensity)
  • Workout summary

A detailed tutorial describing the application can be found on TizenSchool.org


You can download and test the app from the link below:

In the next release of the application, it will collect workout data and give an insight into the history. It will also allow you to edit user profile settings such as age or the distance measurement unit.

If you have an idea for functionality or have any comments about the application, let us know!

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      This is the final blog in a series to introduce the sample application Workout, a Tizen example for monitoring health sensors on a wearable device.
      The first blog, Workout -- A Tizen Sample App for Monitoring Health Sensors, presented the basic features of the application. The second blog, Adding Distance Traveled to the Tizen Workout Sample App, described how distance traveled is calculated. The third blog, Adding Heart Rate Summary to the Tizen Workout App, demonstrated how heart rate data is gathered.
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      To learn more about the implementation of CircleListView in the Workout application, please see this tutorial.
      Thank you for reading the tutorials about the Workout app. For more information about this app and developing for the Tizen platform, please visit developer.tizen.org.
      View the full blog at its source
    • By Samsung Newsroom
      This is the third blog in a series to introduce the sample application Workout, a Tizen example for monitoring health sensors on a wearable device.
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      _minBpm - this is half the value of _maxBpm
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      To learn more about the implementation of the HRM sensor and the use of the data in the Workout app, see this tutorial
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      View the full blog at its source
    • By Samsung Newsroom
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      View the full blog at its source
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