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Seamless UI Experience of Your App for Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2

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Maintaining the legacy of foldable technology, Samsung recently released the new Galaxy Z Fold2. This device is designed to provide a new and seamless experience to users with its Infinity Flex Display. As a developer, you can adjust your app to provide the best UI experience to your users.

In this blog, we will demonstrate how a stopwatch app can be modified to adjust with Galaxy Z Fold2 devices. The stopwatch app is pretty simple, having three functionalities—start, pause and reset the time.

Figure 1: Stopwatch app example

In order to provide a seamless experience to the user, we have to ensure app continuity, adjust the activity according to the UI, support multi-resume in multi-window, and check the display cutout. So let’s get started.

App continuity

Like the previous Galaxy Z Fold, the new Galaxy Z Fold2 has two separate physical screens. The cover display is 2260 x 816 pixels and the main display is 2208 x 1768 pixels. To provide a seamless experience to the user while folding and unfolding the device, the app must maintain its continuity by preventing data loss. You can ensure continuity by using the onSaveInstanceState() method. First, save the data of the current state with onSaveInstanceState(). For the stopwatch app, the time that has passed is saved in seconds before the activity is paused.

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    savedInstanceState.putInt("seconds", seconds);
    savedInstanceState.putBoolean("running", running);
    savedInstanceState.putBoolean("wasRunning", wasRunning);

Then restore the data of the activity using the onCreate() function.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        seconds = savedInstanceState.getInt("seconds");
        running = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("running");
        wasRunning = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("wasRunning");
2020-11-26-01-02.jpg 2020-11-26-01-03.jpg

Figure 2: Continuity of the stopwatch while folding and unfolding the device

Ensure dynamic resizing of your app

If you want your app to support multi-window mode, define the activity as resizable. This can be done by setting the resizableActivity attribute to true in Manifest.xml. This ensures the maximum compatibility with both the cover screen and the main screen of the device.

<activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:resizeableActivity="true">

Another approach is to define an aspect ratio for your app. Galaxy Z Fold2’s cover screen has a ratio of 25 : 9 whereas the main screen has a ratio of 22.5 : 18. To be compatible with the device, you should test your apps for these ratios and that they fill up the entire display.

You can use the minAspectRatio or the maxAspectRatio flag to constrain your app within the feasible aspect ratios.

Please note that, if the resizableActivity attribute is set to true, the minAspectRatio and the maxAspectRatio flag are ignored.

2020-11-26-01-04.jpg 2020-11-26-01-05.jpg

Figure 3: Dynamically resizable app in Pop-Up view and Split-Window view

Multi-Resume for multi-window

Up to Android 9, only one of the activities visible in the multi-window operation is allowed to stay in the RESUMED state. All other activities are put into the PAUSED state. Therefore, you have to force your app to be in the RESUMED state by adding the following in the Manifest.xml file.

<meta-data android:name="android.allow_multiple_resumed_activities" android:value="true" />

However, starting from Android 10, all activities visible in multi-window are allowed to stay in the RESUMED state. You no longer need to force your app to have multi-resume behavior. However, there are some cases where an app can be in the PAUSED state in Android 10, in which case you need to enforce the multi-resume behavior:

• In a minimized split-screen (with launcher on the side), the top activity isn't resumed because it's not focusable
• In picture-in-picture mode, the activity isn't resumed because it's not focusable
• When activities are covered by other transparent activities in the same stack


Figure 4: Multi-Resume in multi-window

Display cutout

The main display of the Galaxy Z Fold2 has a punch hole in the upper right side. You can set a display cutout mode according to your content style. By default, the content is rendered into the cutout area while in portrait mode and letterboxed while in landscape mode. If you want your content to be rendered into the cutout area in both portrait and landscape modes, you can define the mode as shortEdges. In the sample app, the cutout mode is set to shortEdges in the style.xml file. The sample app is set to full screen and display cutout mode is set to shortEdges.

<item name="android:windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode">shortEdges</item>	
<item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation">true</item>


Figure 5: Display cutout Default mode

Figure 6: Display cutout in shortEdges mode

Hopefully this blog helps you to update your app for the Galaxy Z Fold2 and give the user a better UI experience. To check out the sample app, click here. You can also view Samsung’s official documentation for Galaxy Z devices. If you have any questions regarding foldable UI, feel free to post it in the Samsung Developers Forums.

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      Setting up shaders
      In vertex-like shader stages, you need to set up which vertex outputs to capture to a buffer. The shader itself controls the memory layout of the output data. This is unlike other APIs, where you use the graphics API to specify which outputs to capture based on the name of the variable.
      Here is an example Vulkan GLSL shader:
      #version 450 layout(xfb_stride = 32, xfb_offset = 0, xfb_buffer = 0, location = 0) out vec4 vColor; layout(xfb_stride = 32, xfb_offset = 16, xfb_buffer = 0, location = 1) out vec4 vColor2; layout(xfb_buffer = 1, xfb_stride = 16) out gl_PerVertex { layout(xfb_offset = 0) vec4 gl_Position; }; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(1.0); vColor = vec4(2.0); vColor2 = vec4(3.0); } The resulting SPIR-V will then look something like:
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      Binding transform feedback buffers
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      vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT(cmd, firstBinding, bindingCount, pBuffers, pOffsets, pSizes); To enable a buffer to be captured, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BIT_EXT is used.
      Starting and stopping capture
      Once we know where to write the vertex output data, we will begin and end captures. This needs to be done inside a render pass:
      vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT(cmd, firstCounterBuffer, counterBufferCount, pCounterBuffers, pCounterBufferOffsets); A counter buffer allows us to handle scenarios where we end a transform feedback and continue capturing later. We would not necessarily know how many bytes were written by the last transform feedback, so it is critical that we can let the GPU maintain a byte counter for us.
      vkCmdDraw(cmd, …); vkCmdDrawIndexed(cmd, …); Then we can start rendering. Vertex outputs are captured to the buffers in-order.
      vkCmdEndTransformFeedbackEXT(cmd, firstCounterBuffer, counterBufferCount, pCounterBuffers, pCounterBufferOffsets); Once we are done capturing, we end the transform feedback and, with the counter buffers, we can write the new buffer offsets into the counter buffer.
      Indirectly drawing transform feedback results
      This feature is a precursor to the more flexible indirect draw feature we have in Vulkan, but there was a time when this feature was the only efficient way to render transform feedbacked outputs. The fundamental problem is that we do not necessarily know exactly how many primitives have been rendered. Therefore, to avoid stalling the CPU, it was required to be able to indirectly render the results with a special purpose API.
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      Line rasterization is a tricky subject and is not normally used for gaming applications since they do not scale with resolution and their exact behavior is not consistent across all GPU implementations.
      In the world of CAD, however, this feature is critical, and older OpenGL APIs had extensive support for quite fancy line rendering methods. This extension essentially brings back those workstation features. Advanced line rendering can occasionally be useful for debug tooling and visualization as well.
      The feature zoo
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      Rectangular lines vs parallelogram
      When rendering normal lines in core Vulkan, there are two ways lines can be rendered. If VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::strictLines is true, a line is rendered as if the line is a true, oriented rectangle. This is essentially what you would get if you rendered a scaled and rotated rectangle yourself. The hardware just expands the line along the perpendicular axis of the line axis.
      In non-strict rendering, we get a parallelogram. The line is extended either in X or Y directions.
      (From Vulkan specification)
      Bresenham lines
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      (From Vulkan specification)
      Smooth lines
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      Line stipple
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      Configuring rasterization pipeline state
      When creating a graphics pipeline, you can pass in some more data in pNext of rasterization state:
      typedef struct VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT { VkStructureType sType; const void* pNext; VkLineRasterizationModeEXT lineRasterizationMode; VkBool32 stippledLineEnable; uint32_t lineStippleFactor; uint16_t lineStipplePattern; } VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT; typedef enum VkLineRasterizationModeEXT { VK_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_DEFAULT_EXT = 0, VK_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_RECTANGULAR_EXT = 1, VK_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_BRESENHAM_EXT = 2, VK_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_RECTANGULAR_SMOOTH_EXT = 3, } VkLineRasterizationModeEXT; If line stipple is enabled, the line stipple factors can be baked into the pipeline, or be made a dynamic pipeline state using VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_LINE_STIPPLE_EXT.
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      vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT(cmd, factor, pattern); VK_EXT_index_type_uint8
      In OpenGL and OpenGL ES, we have support for 8-bit index buffers. Core Vulkan and Direct3D however only support 16-bit and 32-bit index buffers. Since emulating index buffer formats is impractical with indirect draw calls being a thing, we need to be able to bind 8-bit index buffers. This extension does just that.
      This is probably the simplest extension we have look at so far:
      vkCmdBindIndexBuffer(cmd, indexBuffer, offset, VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT8_EXT); vkCmdDrawIndexed(cmd, …);
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      Follow Up
      Thanks to Hans-Kristian Arntzen and the team at Arm for bringing this great content to the Samsung Developers community. We hope you find this information about Vulkan extensions useful for developing your upcoming mobile games. The original version of this article can be viewed at Arm Community.
      The Samsung Developers site has many resources for developers looking to build for and integrate with Samsung devices and services. Stay in touch with the latest news by creating a free account or by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Visit the Marketing Resources page for information on promoting and distributing your apps and games. Finally, our developer forum is an excellent way to stay up-to-date on all things related to the Galaxy ecosystem.
      View the full blog at its source
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      1 January 2021 data released by market research firm Omdia
      2 Samsung TV Plus is currently available in select regions including the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Korea, Australia, and Brazil. Service availability may vary by region and product.
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