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New Game Changing Vulkan Extensions for Mobile: Timeline Semaphores

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The Samsung Developers team works with many companies in the mobile and gaming ecosystems. We're excited to support our partner, Arm, as they bring timely and relevant content to developers looking to build games and high-performance experiences. This Vulkan Extensions series will help developers get the most out of the new and game-changing Vulkan extensions on Samsung mobile devices.

In previous blogs, we have already explored two key Vulkan extension game changers that will be enabled by Android R. These are Descriptor Indexing and Buffer Device Address. In this blog, we explore the third and final game changer, which is 'Timeline Semaphores'.

The introduction of timeline semaphores is a large improvement to the synchronization model of Vulkan and is a required feature in Vulkan 1.2. It solves some fundamental grievances with the existing synchronization APIs in Vulkan.

The problems with VkFence and VkSemaphore

In earlier Vulkan extensions, there are two distinct synchronization objects for dealing with CPU <-> GPU synchronization and GPU queue <-> GPU queue synchronization.

The VkFence object only deals with GPU -> CPU synchronization. Due to the explicit nature of Vulkan, you must keep track of when the GPU completes the work you submit to it.

vkQueueSubmit(queue, …, fence);

The previous code is the way we would use a fence, and later this fence can be waited on. When the fence signals, we know it is safe to free resources, read back data written by GPU, and so on. Overall, the VkFence interface was never a real problem in practice, except that it feels strange to have two entirely different API objects which essentially do the same thing.

VkSemaphore on the other hand has some quirks which makes it difficult to use properly in sophisticated applications. VkSemaphore by default is a binary semaphore. The fundamental problem with binary semaphores is that we can only wait for a semaphore once. After we have waited for it, it automatically becomes unsignaled again. This binary nature is very annoying to deal with when we use multiple queues. For example, consider a scenario where we perform some work in the graphics queue, and want to synchronize that work with two different compute queues. If we know this scenario is coming up, we will then have to allocate two VkSemaphore objects, signal both objects, and wait for each of them in the different compute queues. This works, but we might not have the knowledge up front that this scenario will play out. Often where we are dealing with multiple queues, we have to be somewhat conservative and signal semaphore objects we never end up waiting for. This leads to another problem …

A signaled semaphore, which is never waited for, is basically a dead and useless semaphore and should be destroyed. We cannot reset a VkSemaphore object on the CPU, so we cannot ever signal it again if we want to recycle VkSemaphore objects. A workaround would be to wait for the semaphore on the GPU in a random queue just to unsignal it, but this feels like a gross hack. It could also potentially cause performance issues, as waiting for a semaphore is a full GPU memory barrier.

Object bloat is another considerable pitfall of the existing APIs. For every synchronization point we need, we require a new object. All these objects must be managed, and their lifetimes must be considered. This creates a lot of annoying “bloat” for engines.

The timeline – fixing object bloat – fixing multiple waits

The first observation we can make of a Vulkan queue is that submissions should generally complete in-order. To signal a synchronization object in vkQueueSubmit, the GPU waits for all previously submitted work to the queue, which includes the signaling operation of previous synchronization objects. Rather than assigning one object per submission, we synchronize in terms of number of submissions. A plain uint64_t counter can be used for each queue. When a submission completes, the number is monotonically increased, usually by one each time. This counter is contained inside a single timeline semaphore object. Rather than waiting for a specific synchronization object which matches a particular submission, we could wait for a single object and specify “wait until graphics queue submission #157 completes.”

We can wait for any value multiple times as we wish, so there is no binary semaphore problem. Essentially, for each VkQueue we can create a single timeline semaphore on startup and leave it alone (uint64_t will not overflow until the heat death of the sun, do not worry about it). This is extremely convenient and makes it so much easier to implement complicated dependency management schemes.

Unifying VkFence and VkSemaphore

Timeline semaphores can be used very effectively on CPU as well:

info.semaphoreCount = 1;
info.pSemaphores = &semaphore;
info.pValues = &value;
vkWaitSemaphoresKHR(device, &info, timeout);

This completely removes the need to use VkFence. Another advantage of this method is that multiple threads can wait for a timeline semaphore. With VkFence, only one thread could access a VkFence at any one time.

A timeline semaphore can even be signaled from the CPU as well, although this feature feels somewhat niche. It allows use cases where you submit work to the GPU early, but then 'kick' the submission using vkSignalSemaphoreKHR. The accompanying sample demonstrates a particular scenario where this function might be useful:

info.semaphore = semaphore;
info.value = value;
vkSignalSemaphoreKHR(device, &info);

Creating a timeline semaphore

When creating a semaphore, you can specify the type of semaphore and give it an initial value:

type_info.semaphoreType = VK_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE_KHR;
type_info.initialValue = 0;
info.pNext = &type_info;
vkCreateSemaphore(device, &info, NULL, &semaphore);

Signaling and waiting on timeline semaphores

When submitting work with vkQueueSubmit, you can chain another struct which provides counter values when using timeline semaphores, for example:

VkSubmitInfo submit = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO };
submit.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
submit.pWaitSemaphores = &compute_queue_semaphore;
submit.pWaitDstStageMask = &wait_stage;
submit.commandBufferCount = 1;
submit.pCommandBuffers = &cmd;
submit.signalSemaphoreCount = 1;
submit.pSignalSemaphores = &graphics_queue_semaphore;
 VkTimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfoKHR timeline = {
timeline.waitSemaphoreValueCount = 1;
timeline.pWaitSemaphoreValues = &wait_value;
timeline.signalSemaphoreValueCount = 1;
timeline.pSignalSemaphoreValues = &signal_value;
submit.pNext = &timeline;
 signal_value++; // Generally, you bump the timeline value once per submission.
 vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submit, VK_NULL_HANDLE);

Out of order signal and wait

A strong requirement of Vulkan binary semaphores is that signals must be submitted before a wait on a semaphore can be submitted. This makes it easy to guarantee that deadlocks do not occur on the GPU, but it is also somewhat inflexible. In an application with many Vulkan queues and a task-based architecture, it is reasonable to submit work that is somewhat out of order. However, this still uses synchronization objects to ensure the right ordering when executing on the GPU. With timeline semaphores, the application can agree on the timeline values to use ahead of time, then go ahead and build commands and submit out of order. The driver is responsible for figuring out the submission order required to make it work. However, the application gets more ways to shoot itself in the foot with this approach. This is because it is possible to create a deadlock with multiple queues where queue A waits for queue B, and queue B waits for queue A at the same time.

Ease of porting

It is no secret that timeline semaphores are inherited largely from D3D12’s fence objects. From a portability angle, timeline semaphores make it much easier to have compatibility across the APIs.


As the specification stands right now, you cannot use timeline semaphores with swap chains. This is generally not a big problem as synchronization with the swap chain tends to be explicit operations renderers need to take care of.

Another potential caveat to consider is that the timeline semaphore might not have a direct kernel equivalent on current platforms, which means some extra emulation to handle it, especially the out-of-order submission feature. As the timeline synchronization model becomes the de-facto standard, I expect platforms to get more native support for it.


All three key Vulkan extension game changers improve the overall development and gaming experience through improving graphics and enabling new gaming use cases. We hope that we gave you enough samples to get you started as you try out these new Vulkan extensions to help bring your games to life

Follow Up

Thanks to Hans-Kristian Arntzen and the team at Arm for bringing this great content to the Samsung Developers community. We hope you find this information about Vulkan extensions useful for developing your upcoming mobile games.

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      Letting Creativity Bloom
      Q: Tell us a bit about your artistic journey. When did you begin painting?
      For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I started with oil paintings when I was 8 years old and explored other mediums — but I was always drawn back to oils since that’s what the masters painted in. When I hold a brush full of buttery paint and breathe in the smell of oils, I feel directly connected to the great painters of the past.
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      People kept telling me that my paintings were distinctive and instantly recognizable, so I formed the term Open Impressionism after I had crafted about 400 paintings in this unique style. My focus is on color, light and the feeling of being surrounded by beauty in the outdoors. I call my style “open” because my inspiration comes from open-air landscapes. I use the impasto technique and keep my impressionistic paintings highly textured without smearing or blending colors. Through decisive brushstrokes, I let the underpainting peek out to give my works the appearance of stained glass or a mosaic.
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      ▲ Cherry Blossom (2023)
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      Embracing Immersive Art Through Technology
      Q: Can you share more about what drew you to work with Saatchi Art, a longtime partner of the Art Store?
      Beyond showing its works on The Frame, Saatchi Art is the best online hub for showcasing original artwork. The art collection is well-curated, with, and there is an amazing variety of styles and mediums. The fact that there is something for everyone makes it a great way for collectors to find new artwork, again and again. I have been selling my work through Saatchi Art for over a decade now. The Saatchi team is always helpful and easy to work with.
      Q: Traditional art galleries allow viewers to experience paintings in person and fully appreciate the texture, brushstrokes and scale. How do you think digital formats impact the way people engage with art?
      I’ve painted more than 3,000 oil pieces in my Open Impressionism style — and truthfully, I struggled to find ways to share my work with fans and collectors. Although I have several coffee table books and many paper prints, the best way to share my collections is through digital formats.
      For digital formats, we typically look for compositions that work well on a long, horizontal layout. To obtain such high-resolution images of my paintings, we use a large scanner in my gallery that takes up the entire room. The scanner photographs the paintings from above using five different light angles, so we can control the amount of shadow that is visible in the final images. This variation gives the illusion of three dimensions, so you can almost reach out and feel the brushstrokes.
      In addition, we map my oil paintings to produce high-resolution, three-dimensional textured prints. They’re so lifelike that most people can’t tell the difference between the replica and the original.
      My dream is to create an immersive Erin Hanson experience where people can step right into my paintings and be surrounded by moving pictures of my artwork. In a digital environment like this, visitors can appreciate a larger quantity of art than the dozen or so pieces they might see hanging in a gallery or festival setting.
      Q: Do you see technology playing an increasingly significant role in the art world? If so, how do you anticipate this trend to unfold in the years to come?
      I am sure technical innovators will continue to find new ways to create and share artwork. For example, bigger The Frame TVs would allow art lovers to display even larger works of art on their walls. I know my pieces are influencing AI models and millions of digital paintings. While I’m not sure where this trend will lead, I do know that original art created by humans will always be the basis of any technology in the future. A computer may be able to alter and combine different paintings to create a new piece, but the original images were all created by individual artists who viewed the world in their own distinct ways.
      Q: Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?
      This year, I am traveling to France to follow in the footsteps of the impressionists and visit all the famously painted locations in Paris, following the Seine to Arles and Le Havre in southern France. I will be visiting the windowsill where Van Gogh sat and painted “Starry Night” and exploring the gardens that Monet so famously painted. This has been a dream of mine for several years, and it is finally coming true. Afterward, I plan to create a collection of French-inspired works in homage to the 150th anniversary of the first impressionist exhibition.
      The works from this collection, “Reflections of the Seine,” will be released in September. You can read more here: erinhanson.com/Event/ReflectionsoftheSeine.
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    • By Samsung Newsroom
      Samsung Art Store is today welcoming the arrival of 12 of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s most striking works, in partnership with Artestar and The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. This is the first time the iconic artist’s work has been officially released for digital display, and joins works from leading museums, collections and artists around the world available from Samsung Art Store.
      ▲ Pez Dispenser (1984), one of Basquiat’s most recognizable artworks, displayed on The Frame
      Samsung Art Store is a subscription service that enables owners of The Frame to continuously transform any space with over 2,500 pieces of digital art, including works from the most renowned artists, museums and industry tastemakers.
      Jean-Michel Basquiat was a beacon of innovation and social commentary, with his work not only featured in galleries and museums worldwide, but also igniting a powerful conversation on cultural complexities. Artestar and The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat continue to honor his prolific legacy by showcasing his art and its underlying messages, striving to engage with audiences worldwide to ensure his visionary work remains accessible and influential.
      “The ability to bring Basquiat’s iconic artwork directly into your home with Samsung Art Store is an exciting opportunity for global audiences to experience his work in a new and powerful way,” said David Stark, Founder and President of Artestar, the international brand licensing and consulting agency representing the Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. “Basquiat’s work continues to spark important conversations and encourages us to look at our worlds differently. This partnership on The Frame’s digital canvas allows his pieces to be experienced in anyone’s home, helping to share his work and honor his legacy.”
      The new collection features unique pieces from throughout Basquiat’s career. Among the works available to Art Store subscribers are Bird on Money (1982), a stunning tribute to Charlie Parker. Also included is Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump (1982), King Zulu (1986), which offers a large color block of blue in his more refined late style; and a dual portrait with Andy Warhol, Dos Cabezas (1982), which like many of his works pulls inspiration from his Puerto Rican heritage.
      This body of work was curated specifically for Samsung Art Store, adapted for a 16×9 format and were chosen based on their ability to be reproduced accurately, in keeping with Basquiat’s legacy.
      Jean-Michel Basquiat emerged as one of the most significant artists of the 20th century, his work rich with themes of heritage, identity and the human experience. Beginning his career as a graffiti artist in New York City under the pseudonym SAMO, Basquiat later transitioned to canvas to express his unique blend of symbolic, abstract and figurative styles. His art, characterized by intense colors, dynamic figures and cryptic texts, delves into topics such as societal power structures, racial inequality and the quest for identity. Basquiat’s impact was monumental, leaving a lasting legacy in the art world that explores social issues through his interest in pop culture and his own deeply refined neo-expressionist style.
      ▲ Mitchell Crew (1983), shown on The Frame via Samsung Art Store
      Since its founding in 2019, Samsung Art Store has been committed to bringing art from the world’s most renowned museums and important artists into homes across the world. The addition of the Basquiat collection significantly broadens the range of contemporary American artists whose works are now globally accessible for display.
      “Jean-Michel Basquiat’s work stands completely alone in the history of contemporary art, which is why it was essential that some of his most brilliant pieces were represented in Samsung Art Store,” said Daria Greene, Global Curator at Samsung Art Store. “Basquiat’s preeminent place in our culture and unique message to the world is as necessary today as it ever was, and we’re so proud to help share that message and expand on his legacy.”
      Basquiat’s work has been celebrated with numerous retrospectives and is held in prestigious collections globally, including those of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; The Menil Collection, Houston; and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. His work continues to inspire new generations, embodying a bridge between street art and high art and challenging societal norms.
      Explore Thousands of Works From Artists and Institutions Around the World
      Alongside these new Basquiat pieces, viewers can explore thousands of additional artworks from masters such as Dalí and Van Gogh in Samsung Art Store,1 available for instant display on The Frame. Additionally, in Samsung’s Art Store you will find work from major global institutions including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tate Collection, the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, the Prado Museum in Madrid and the Belvedere Museum in Vienna.
      Samsung also recently refreshed The Frame line-up, with the new series now available for purchase. The 2024 line-up offers Pantone Art Validated Colors, so that every piece of art appears even more realistic, plus new Samsung Art Store – Streams, a complimentary set of regularly curated artworks sampled from Samsung Art Store. The Frame is even more energy efficient when in Art Mode, automatically adjusting the refresh rate so you can enjoy high-quality art, while conserving energy.2
      Jean-Michel Basquiat is one of the best-known artists of his generation and is widely considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His career in art spanned the last 1970s through the 1980s until his death in 1988 at the age of 27. Basquiat’s works are edgy and raw, and through a bold sense of color and composition, he maintains a fine balance between seemingly contradictory forces such as control and spontaneity, menace and wit, urban imagery, and primitivism.
      This partnership was done in collaboration with Artestar, a global licensing agency and creative consultancy representing high-profile artists, photographers, designers and creatives. Artestar connects brands with artists — curating and managing some of the world’s most recognizable creative collaborations. Learn more at artestar.com.
      1 A single user subscription for Art Store costs $4.99/month or $49.90/year.
      2 This feature applies to the 55’’ display and above.
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